For the LOVE of Environment,
Community & Economy
For the LOVE of Environment, Community & Economy
We have pledge to zero-waste policy, and therefore to achieve our goal of re-cycling and waste management, we’ve developed a process that allow us to run our farm efficiently with structured waste management system that has a higher economical value for our farm and for the local farmers.
For the Love of Environment
Do you know country chicken poop has high concentration of natural fertilizer which are beneficial for growth of vegetable and plantations whereas, the commercially grown chickens raised in stressful condition produces wastes which produces high amount of greenhouses gases, harmful for environment.
Our farm waste doesn’t smell bad as those of conventional poultry farm.
For the Love of Community
We collect vegetable as leaves, stems, roots and other inedible fresh wastes of seasonal vegetables such as radish, cauliflower, cabbage, and other vegetable from the local and feed it to our chickens. These fresh wastes fulfill the physical requirement of chickens which then raises the quality of meat production. It also generates the employment into the community.
For the Love of Community
We collect vegetable as leaves, stems, roots and other inedible fresh wastes of seasonal vegetables such as radish, cauliflower, cabbage, and other vegetable from the local and feed it to our chickens. These fresh wastes fulfill the physical requirement of chickens which then raises the quality of meat production. It also generates the employment into the community.
For the love of Economy
As per our research we’ve found that India is importing a large number of fertilizers from other countries. Therefore, having a great recycling process in place we can also help Indian economy to be less dependent on foreign imports and provide farmers our own organic fertilizers for their land.
At Your Door Step
At Your Door Step
Happy Customers
Rinu Devi
Pawan kumar
Savita Yadav
Why My Hen is Laying Small Eggs?
If you’ve noticed that your hens, who once laid nice, large eggs, are now producing smaller ones, you’re not alone. This is a common issue, especially in aging hens or those experiencing exhaustion. At ChickCoop Farm, we’ve seen this happen with older birds, and it’s…
Is it Safe to Eat Eggs from Cartoon?
Welcome back to the ChickCoop Company blog! Today, we’re diving into an important topic for all egg enthusiasts: the safety of reusing egg cartons, particularly in relation to eggs and salmonella. With many of us becoming more eco-conscious, reusing items has become second nature, but…
How to Treat Chicken Mites Naturally?
Chicken mites are a common problem for backyard poultry keepers, and if left untreated, they can significantly affect the health and wellbeing of your flock. At ChickCoop Farm, we believe in using natural remedies to address such issues, ensuring that our birds stay healthy without…
Our Pledge to Zero-Waste.