Before writing this blog, we’d love to thanks our ChickCoop® Farm supporters from across the world. But this blog is especially dedicated to Ms. Mello who is a student from Lesotho from Africa. Her curiosity in chicken world has brought us to write about the difference between layer breed and the broiler chicken breeds.

This blog is really an interesting blog for those who are chicken enthusiast and love to know about the bird that is serving our plate with delicious chicken nugget and eggs in breakfast.

Enjoy reading!

Layer Breed

The layer breeds are known for their high efficiency, producing a large number of eggs with minimal feed consumption. They typically begin laying at around 18-20 weeks of age and can produce up to 300 eggs annually. These chickens are kept in controlled environments to optimize health, egg quality, and production rates.

Here are the 5 most productive layer breeds:

1. Bavendar 500

A dual-purpose breed developed in the municipality of Barneveld in the middle of the Netherlands, an area with a strong poultry industry. The Barnevelder has a single comb, comes in a few color varieties (although only one, double laced partridge, is recognized in North America) , and has a bantam counterpart in Europe but not in North America. The hens lay well, producing large eggs with dark brown.

2. White Leghorn

A breed developed in Italy and named after the port city of Livorno (called Leghorn in English) . Leghorns may be large or bantam and come in many color varieties and two comb varieties: single comb and rose comb. This small chicken with a full tail has a reputation for being noisy. nervous, and flighty. Leghorns remain popular they are early maturing, hardy, heat tolerant, and fantastic layers, and they have good fertility and superior feed-conversion efficiency. Because of these reasons, the Leghorn is the breed of choice for the egg industry. which has developed a limited number of highly specialized single-comb strains. The hens are prolific layers of large eggs with white shells and seldom brood.

3. White Rhode Island Red

A dual-purpose breed developed in the state ofRhode Island and subsequently designated the state’s official bird. It comes in two comb varieties, single and rose, and one color pattern – dark red with a black tail – and may be large or bantam. The hens are among the best layers for a heavy breed, producing large eggs with brown shells. Among old strains, hens will go broody and make good mothers; among strains developed for increased egg production, hens seldom brood.

4. Isa Brown

The Isa Brown chicken is a popular commercial layer breed known for its prolific egg production and friendly temperament. Developed from a crossbreed of Rhode Island Reds and White Leghorns, Isa Browns are recognized for their consistent performance, laying up to 300-350 large brown eggs annually. These chickens start laying at around 18-22 weeks of age and are known for their hardiness and adaptability to various environments. They are typically brown with lighter feathering and have a calm and docile nature, making them suitable for both commercial egg farms and backyard flocks. Isa Browns are also relatively easy to manage and maintain.

5. Lohmann Brown

The Lohmann Brown is a popular commercial layer chicken breed known for its high egg production and adaptability. Originating from Germany, this breed is specifically developed for efficient egg-laying, producing around 300 eggs annually. Lohmann Browns are hardy and perform well in various environments, making them suitable for both large-scale and backyard poultry farming. They start laying eggs at about 18-20 weeks of age, with eggs typically being brown and of good size. These chickens are also known for their calm temperament, making them easy to manage and a favorite among poultry farmers.

Broiler Chicken Breed

The broiler chicken breed are typically raised in controlled environments to optimize growth rates and ensure quality meat. Their breeding focuses on traits like rapid growth, broad breast, and tender meat, making them a staple in the poultry meat industry. The average feed consumption ration (FCR) per bird to weigh 2 Kilo gram is 45 days by consuming 1.5 Kilo gram of feed.

1. Cornish Cross

Let’s kick things off with the most commonly used broiler breed: the Cornish Cross. These birds are renowned for their rapid growth and efficient meat production. Their white feathers, short legs, and broad bodies make them easy to spot. Cornish Cross chickens reach market weight in just 6-8 weeks, making them a top choice for commercial poultry production.


  • Rapid Growth: Cornish Cross chickens are renowned for their incredibly fast growth. They can reach market weight in as little as 6-8 weeks.
  • Efficient Feed Conversion: These birds are highly efficient at converting feed into meat, making them a top choice for commercial poultry production.


  • Fragile Health: Cornish Cross chickens can be prone to various health issues due to their rapid growth, such as leg problems and heart-related conditions.
  • Short Lifespan: Their fast growth comes at the cost of a shorter lifespan, which may not be ideal for those looking for long-term sustainability.

2. Bresse

Let’s take a closer look at the Bresse broiler, a prestigious breed that’s often considered the “queen of poultry.” Bresse broilers originate from the Bresse region in France and are known for their exceptional meat quality and unique characteristics.


  • Exceptional meat quality.
  • Unique coloring and appearance.
  • Excellent foragers.
  • Hardy and adaptable.


  • Longer growth period.
  • Higher costs.
  • Limited availability.
  • Requires meticulous breeding and management.

3. Dark Cornish

It is a heritage breed known for its robust nature and flavourful meat. Pros include hardiness, excellent meat quality, and versatility. However, they have a slower growth rate compared to modern broilers, making them less suitable for quick commercial production.


  • Exceptional meat quality.
  • Hardy and adaptable to various climates.
  • Suitable for small-scale or backyard farming.
  • Dual-purpose breed for both meat and eggs.


  • Slower growth compared to modern broilers.
  • May require longer time to reach market weight.
  • Not as feed-efficient as some commercial breeds.
  • Limited availability in some regions.

4. White Plymouth Rock

The White Plymouth Rock, often called the “white rock,” is another popular broiler breed. These chickens have a sturdy build, good feed conversion, and white feathers. Known for their calm and friendly disposition, White Plymouth Rocks are a great choice for backyard enthusiasts. They reach market weight in 8-10 weeks.


  • Friendly Disposition: White Plymouth Rocks are known for their calm and friendly temperament, making them suitable for backyard enthusiasts.
  • Good Meat Quality: They produce good-quality meat with a balance between flavor and tenderness.


  • Moderate Growth: These birds take 8-10 weeks to reach market weight, which is longer compared to some other breeds.
  • Lower Feed Efficiency: Their feed conversion rate may not be as efficient as that of Cornish Cross chickens.

5. Red Ranger

If you’re looking for a broiler breed with a little more natural foraging ability, the Red Ranger might be your pick. These birds have a red feathering pattern, are excellent foragers, and reach market weight in 9-11 weeks. Their meat is known for its superior flavor and texture.


  • Foraging Ability: Red Rangers are excellent foragers, which means they can help supplement their diet with insects and vegetation.
  • Superior Meat Quality: They produce flavorful, tender meat that’s highly sought after by those who appreciate quality.


  • Moderate Growth: These chickens take 9-11 weeks to reach market weight, which is longer than the Cornish Cross.
  • Feed Conversion: Their feed conversion rate is not as efficient as that of some other broiler breeds.


I hope you find this blog interesting, here we have tried to be short while telling you about the major difference between layer breed and broiler breed in chicken world. However there are numerous chicken breed that you may love to know about, we have also wrote about them. If you want to learn more please the another blog form the link here.

If you have any question feel free to email us at or call us at +91-9939209699.

Enjoy your day!

Team ChickCoop®